Genius Skills

A Powerful Set of Tools To Help You Learn at Ultra Speed 🚀, Aim Higher 🎯, Be More Prosperous 💰, Take On Bigger Challenges 🏋️‍♂️, and Enjoy the Journey Towards Success 🌟 with Ed Strachar.

Embark on a digital journey to intellectual excellence with Ed Strachar’s “Genius Skills,” your online gateway to mastering rapid learning, critical thinking, and creative problem-solving.

Are you eager to push your mental boundaries to new heights 🌄 and make a lasting impact in every aspect of your life, both personally and professionally?

Do you aspire to delve deep into the realm of advanced cognition 🌀, unlocking the secrets of your inner genius, and moving beyond traditional learning to achieve lasting intellectual growth?

Are you in search of a comprehensive online program that nurtures your mind 🧠, body 💪, and spirit 🕊️, ensuring alignment with your true intellectual potential?

“Genius Skills” offers exclusive online access to a wealth of audio content, complemented by 12 transformative Audio CDs 🎧 and enriching Video materials 🎥, all designed to propel you into the world of advanced learning and cognitive mastery.

This program is meticulously crafted to stimulate your intellectual development, rejuvenate your mental faculties, and prepare you for a life enriched with academic success, innovative problem-solving, and continuous learning 💥.

With “Genius Skills,” geographical boundaries fade away. Embrace the flexibility to learn and advance at your own pace, anywhere, anytime, ensuring the dynamic power of intellectual growth is always at your fingertips 🔮.

Experience Breakthroughs in Cognitive Mastery with Genius Skills!

  • Accelerated Learning 🚀: Master new skills and knowledge at ultra speed, opening doors to endless opportunities.
  • Enhanced Creativity and Innovation 🌟: Unleash your creative potential and innovate solutions that make a difference.
  • Sharper Focus and Clarity 😊: Hone your mental acuity, achieving unparalleled focus and crystal-clear clarity in every task.
  • Empowered Decision-Making ❤️: Make confident, informed decisions that lead to successful outcomes in both personal and professional life.
  • Advanced Problem-Solving 🔮: Navigate complex challenges with ease, discovering optimal solutions through enhanced cognitive abilities.
  • Mental Resilience 🌙: Build a stronger, more resilient mind capable of withstanding stress and bouncing back from setbacks.
  • Intellectual Growth 🌈: Embark on a journey of continuous learning and intellectual expansion, enriching your life and career.
  • Transformative Insights 💔: Gain profound insights into your thought processes, behaviors, and patterns, leading to transformative personal growth.

The Genius Skills Program

Embark on a transformative journey with the Genius Skills Program, a comprehensive approach to cognitive mastery, personal growth, and empowerment. This program combines cutting-edge neuroscience with advanced learning methodologies, unlocking your potential and leading you to a more productive and fulfilling life.

🚀 CD 1 – Learning At Ultra Speed
Accelerate your learning process with techniques that tap into your innate abilities.

✅ Track 1: Genius Skills Introduction
✅ Track 2: Eliminating Judgement
✅ Track 4: Keys To Learning
✅ Track 5: Driving These Points Home ~ A Story

🧠 CD 2 – Mental Rehearsal
Enhance your mental strength and agility through focused mental rehearsal exercises.

✅ Track 1: Introduction (Shortened Version)
✅ Track 2: Why Do You Need Mental Rehearsal?
✅ Track 3: What Is Mental Rehearsal?
✅ Track 4: Knowledge Versus Imagination
✅ Track 5: A Powerful Exercise To Enhance Your Mind’s Potency
✅ Track 6: Calming The Mind
✅ Track 7: Review
✅ Track 8: Turning On Your Mind’s Power
✅ Track 9: Mentally Rehearse Using Memories
✅ Track 10: Overwhelm
✅ Track 11: In Conclusion…
✅ Track 12: Expand Your Mind
✅ Track 13: Final Statement
✅ Track 14: Congratulations!

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🌟 CD 3 – The Performers Edge
Explore your potential and learn how to overcome mental barriers to performance.

✅ Track 1: Introduction
✅ Track 2: Realizing Your Potential
✅ Track 3: What Is Genius?
✅ Track 4: Breaking Through The Critic Mode
✅ Track 5: The Zone
✅ Track 6: The Critic And The Performer
✅ Track 7: Why We Sometimes Lack Conviction
✅ Track 8: Summary

🗺️ CD 4 – Mind Mapping Made Easy
Discover the power of mind mapping to organize thoughts and accelerate learning.

✅ Track 1: Introduction
✅ Track 2: What Is Mind Mapping?
✅ Track 3: How Does Mind Mapping Work? – Exercise 1
✅ Track 4: Exercise 2 – The Speed Of Thought
✅ Track 5: Your Chain Of Thoughts
✅ Track 6: The Fast Track To Success
✅ Track 7: Review
✅ Track 8: Simplicity Is Power!
✅ Track 9: Exercise 3 – Enhancing Creativity
✅ Track 10: An Example Of How Mind Mapping Can Help You
✅ Track 11: Exercise 4 – Mind Mapping In Layers
✅ Track 12: A Bonus Technique
✅ Track 13: Conclusions

🔮 CD 5 – The Sixth Sense I
Unlock and develop your intuitive abilities to gain deeper insights and understanding.

✅ Track 1: Introduction
✅ Track 2: The Real 6th Sense
✅ Track 3: Spirits
✅ Track 4: My Background
✅ Track 5: A Scientific Interpretation
✅ Track 6: Some Examples
✅ Track 7: Stories To Help You Understand
✅ Track 8: How To Learn The 6th Sense For Yourself
✅ Track 9: A Quick Summary
✅ Track 10: How We Can Learn This For Ourselves
✅ Track 11: Your Natural Ability
✅ Track 12: Some Exercises For You

🌀 CD 6 – The Sixth Sense II
Continue to explore and enhance your sixth sense with advanced techniques and examples.

✅ Track 1: Some Incredible People I Have Met
✅ Track 2: How To Tune Yourself
✅ Track 3: Additional Real-life Examples
✅ Track 4: A Healing Exercise
✅ Track 5: Knowing Thyself
✅ Track 6: A Summary
✅ Track 7: Dan Odem’s Round-up
✅ Track 8: A Meditation To Tune Yourself
✅ Track 9: Some Music To Collect Your Thoughts

💪 CD 7 – Mastering Stress Management
Learn techniques to manage and alleviate stress for better health and performance.

✅ Track 1: Introduction
✅ Track 2: What Is Stress
✅ Track 3: How Can We Overcome Stress?
✅ Track 4: How Does Stress Affect Us?
✅ Track 5: Handling Financial Stress
✅ Track 6: The Impact Of Stress On Your Health
✅ Track 7: Exercises To Help You Avoid Stress
✅ Track 8: An Example Of How We Cause Our Own Stress
✅ Track 9: What Did I Learn From This?
✅ Track 10: Managing Our Attachments As A Way To Reduce Stress
✅ Track 11: Spiritual Solutions To Your Stress
✅ Track 12: A Sports Analogy
✅ Track 13: In Conclusion…

CD 8 – Overcome Procrastination Now!
Break the cycle of procrastination and learn to take decisive action towards your goals.

✅ Track 1: Introduction
✅ Track 2: Procrastination – Crippling Indecision
✅ Track 3: The Critic Versus The Performer
✅ Track 4: Become A Performer
✅ Track 5: Challenges 1 & 2
✅ Track 6: Unclog Your Mind
✅ Track 7: Overcome Fear Of Failure & Increase Flow In Your Life
✅ Track 8: Finding Your Own Answers
✅ Track 9: In Conclusion…

📚 CD 9 – Test-taking Tips
Maximize your test performance with strategic tips and mental preparation techniques.

✅ Track 1: Introduction
✅ Track 2: Why Are Test-taking Skills So Important?
✅ Track 3: Your Conscious And Subconscious Mind
✅ Track 4: What You Have Learned So Far
✅ Track 5: Specific Strategies For Enhancing Your Test Scores
✅ Track 6: Rest – Don’t Try To Over Prepare
✅ Track 7: Mental Preparation
✅ Track 8: Ridding Yourself Of Fear
✅ Track 9: Mind Mapping And Further Tips
✅ Track 10: In Summary
✅ Track 11: Bonus Tips
✅ Track 12: In Conclusion…

🌿 CD 10 – Health, Healing And Spiritual Energy
Explore the interconnections of health, healing, and spiritual energy for holistic well-being.

✅ Track 1: Welcome
✅ Track 2: What Is Health?
✅ Track 3: What Is The Truth
✅ Track 4: Greg’s History
✅ Track 5: Tools For Motivation
✅ Track 6: How We Create Disease
✅ Track 7: A Challenge For You
✅ Track 8: Prevention And Cooperation

CD 11 – The Genius Within
Discover the inherent genius within you and learn how to unlock and harness its power.

✅ Track 1: Introduction
✅ Track 2: Alexander – The Teacher
✅ Track 3: The Way Life Works
✅ Track 4: We Are All Geniuses
✅ Track 5: A Quick Summary
✅ Track 6: The Rainbow Process
✅ Track 7: Know Who You Are
✅ Track 8: A Final Statement
✅ Track 9: Ed’s Conclusion

💰 CD 12 – Inner Wealth
Gain insights into creating and sustaining inner wealth for a prosperous and fulfilling life.

✅ Track 1: Introduction
✅ Track 2: The First Law
✅ Track 3: The Second Law
✅ Track 4: The Real Power Within

Who is this for?

  • Innovative Thinkers 🧠: Eager to unlock accelerated learning and cognitive enhancement, delving into advanced methodologies beyond traditional education.

  • Performance Optimizers 💪: Aiming to boost productivity and achieve peak performance in personal and professional life.

  • Strategic Visionaries 🌌: Drawn to complex problem-solving and strategic planning, ready to tackle life’s challenges with precision.

  • Emotional Intelligence Masters 💖: Seeking to understand and manage emotions effectively, aspiring for a balanced and resilient mental state.

  • Knowledge Seekers 🌜: Curious about intellectual growth, eager to absorb and apply transformative wisdom.

  • Social Connectors ❤️: Aspiring to enhance interpersonal skills and build stronger, more meaningful relationships.

  • Life Maximizers 🚀: Craving a successful, enriched, and proactive life, eager to break free from conventional limitations and past setbacks.

If you’re ready to revolutionize your mental capabilities, optimize your performance, and unlock a new realm of possibilities, the “Genius Skills” program is your gateway to transformation and success!

About Ed Strachar: A Trailblazer in Healing and Empowerment

Ed Strachar is a renowned Remote Distance Healer specializing in awakening life force and reviving the body’s natural ability to heal. His exceptional healing abilities have touched thousands worldwide, transforming depression, chronic fatigue, and dark energy into love, health, and vitality within minutes, remotely through internet chat or phone.

Ed’s journey is marked by his diverse expertise, from being an Electronics Engineer to teaching at prestigious institutions like West Point, US Air Force Academy, and others. He’s also delved into chess, fastest reading techniques, and corporate training, showcasing his multi-faceted talents.

His Healing Genius® courses have benefited countless individuals globally, offering illuminating insights and empowering techniques for healing and transformation. Ed’s non-religious yet spiritually profound approach resonates with seekers worldwide, making him a beacon of hope and inspiration in the realm of healing and self-mastery.

“Infinite energy is available to you at all times, You just need to learn how to better connect to it.” – Ed Strachar


“I felt better, had more energy & learned techniques that I know work. I feel like a new person, the best version of myself in a long time. I’ve learned techniques that I know will support me for the rest of my life and I’m very grateful for having found him.”

—Dr. Wendy McFalda, Doctor of Osteopathy & Dermatologist, USA

“Now moving on with “detachment”, and feeling spirit being restored and many old burdens from relationships and other failure being erased , slowly but surely my energy and optimism for a life filled with Win Win situations are coming back.

—Mogens Allan Neilsen
Veterinarian, Denmark

“At the end of the session, I was fully energized, stiffness and pain were gone, my head was clear and my whole body was vibrating with love and happiness. I could feel the waves of warmth flowing through my body even when the session was done.

— Ivana Lacko, Trainor, Consultant, Croatia

“It was a life-saving experience. Since then, my life has taken off in ways I couldn’t have imagined. Ed’s techniques are direct, powerful, and far from nonsense. He’s a no-bullshit guy with an enormous heart.

—Diana Dentiger
Neurobiologist, Italy

“We spent a considerable amount of time working on how to control fears, increase energy and remaining focused and calm regardless of all external pressures. I have felt stronger, energized, more confident, centered and balanced in all areas of life.

—Dr. Shan Hussain,
Medical Doctor, UK

I felt lighter and experienced a shift in my heart. This week, my blood pressure dropped to 110/70, surprising my doctor and leading me to credit Ed’s energy work. We are truly blessed to have such a gifted healer here

— Karen Rothstein, Former School Principal

Message from Ed:


In my lifelong journey as a healer and guide, I’ve been honored to walk alongside countless individuals on their path to vibrant health, spiritual awakening, and profound transformation. Over the years, I’ve witnessed the incredible capacity within each of us to heal, grow, and live our lives to the fullest.

As a practitioner of remote distance healing, I’ve witnessed extraordinary healings, from restoring vitality to dispelling dark energies and guiding souls toward love and abundance.

I firmly believe that authentic healing encompasses the totality of our being—mind, body, and spirit. This guiding principle has informed my work through healing sessions, energy transformations, and spiritual awakenings, resulting in profound shifts and breakthroughs for my clients worldwide.

I invite you to join me on an extraordinary journey through the Genius Skills Program. Together, we’ll discover the path to learning at ultra speed, aiming higher, becoming more prosperous, taking on bigger challenges, and enjoying the journey towards success.

Let’s harness the boundless power of the Universe for holistic well-being and vibrant living.

With gratitude and blessings,
Ed Strachar