Discover Your Healing Power: Transforming Mind, Body & Spirit!

Welcome to an extraordinary adventure with the Healing Genius Protégé Training, led by the esteemed Elite Healer, Ed Strachar.

This immersive program transcends conventional learning; it’s a transformative odyssey meticulously crafted to unlock your boundless potential, revitalizing every aspect of your being for a life imbued with vitality and fulfillment.

Are you yearning to enhance your healing abilities and positively impact not just your life but also the lives of those around you?

Do you seek a profound connection with the deepest healing insights of the Spirit, moving beyond temporary solutions to establish enduring well-being?

Join us on this transformative journey of self-discovery and healing mastery, where you’ll learn to harness the power of healing energies to nurture and uplift others, creating a ripple effect of wellness and positivity in the world.

This isn’t just a training; it’s an opportunity to unlock your innate healing potential and embark on a fulfilling path as a healer.

About Ed Strachar: A Trailblazer in Healing and Empowerment

Ed Strachar is a renowned Remote Distance Healer specializing in awakening life force and reviving the body’s natural ability to heal. His exceptional healing abilities have touched thousands worldwide, transforming depression, chronic fatigue, and dark energy into love, health, and vitality within minutes, remotely through internet chat or phone.

Ed’s journey is marked by his diverse expertise, from being an Electronics Engineer to teaching at prestigious institutions like West Point, US Air Force Academy, and others. He’s also delved into chess, fastest reading techniques, and corporate training, showcasing his multi-faceted talents.

His Healing Genius® Training have benefited countless individuals globally, offering illuminating insights and empowering techniques for healing and transformation. Ed’s non-religious yet spiritually profound approach resonates with seekers worldwide, making him a beacon of hope and inspiration in the realm of healing and self-mastery.

“Infinite energy is available to you at all times, You just need to learn how to better connect to it.” – Ed Strachar

Unlock Your Healing Genius: Discover the Power Within

Welcome to the Healing Genius Protégé, an immersive event designed to unlock your inner healer and elevate your healing abilities. Led by elite healer Ed Strachar, this transformative journey will immerse you in the Powerful Healing Genius® Methodology, teaching you fast and efficient healings over the internet.

During this intensive training with a follow-up program, you’ll delve into the Divine Angelic Order of the Universe, learn how to raise your DNA for higher vibrations and abilities and develop Elite Healing Mastery. From healing people, animals, and homes, to business deals, you’ll gain the skills and insights needed to conduct effective healings in various scenarios.

Ed removes the evil and dark forces that few others dare to even acknowledge!

What You’ll Learn

The Healing Genius Protégé Training offers a transformative journey into advanced energy healing techniques, deep insights into the Divine Angelic Order, development of Elite Healing Mastery for remote healing and energy revitalization, and techniques to elevate DNA vibrations for profound healing outcomes.

  • Conduct fast and efficient healings over the internet with the Powerful Healing Genius® Methodology.

  • Understand the Divine Angelic Order of the Universe and its impact on healing.

  • Learn techniques to raise your DNA for higher vibrations and abilities.

  • Develop Elite Healing Mastery to heal people, animals, homes, and business deals effectively.

  • Gain insights into removing heavy darkness and evil, safeguarding against negative influences.

  • Access higher dimensions to enhance your healing capabilities and transcend distance limitations.

  • Connect with a community of like-minded individuals and receive ongoing support and guidance.

Who is this for?

The Healing Genius Protégé Training is designed for a diverse range of individuals seeking transformation and empowerment. It is ideal for aspiring healers eager to tap into their innate healing abilities and enhance their skills to benefit themselves and others. 

Energy workers looking to deepen their understanding of energy healing and learn advanced techniques for remote and comprehensive healing will find immense value in this training. 

Spiritual seekers on a journey of self-discovery and growth can access tools and insights to elevate their vibrational energy and consciousness. 

Ultimately, this training welcomes anyone seeking personal growth, wellness, and transformation, providing the knowledge and practices to unlock their potential and lead a more fulfilling life.


The Healing Genius Protégé Training stands out for its unique blend of advanced healing methodologies and transformative experiences. Unlike traditional healing trainings, this program emphasizes fast and efficient remote healings using the Powerful Healing Genius®

Methodology, a pioneering approach that sets it apart in the realm of energy healing. Moreover, the training offers a comprehensive curriculum covering diverse areas such as healing people, animals, homes, and even business deals, providing a holistic understanding of healing that goes beyond the conventional boundaries.

The inclusion of spiritual insights, such as understanding the Divine Angelic Order of the Universe and raising DNA vibrations, adds a profound depth to the course, offering participants a deeper connection to higher dimensions and spiritual energies.

This fusion of practical healing techniques with spiritual wisdom makes the Healing Genius Protégé Training a unique and invaluable opportunity for personal and professional growth in the realm of energy healing.

Unlocking the Mysteries of Elite Healing: Delve into Powerful Techniques and Spiritual Insights

The Healing Genius Protégé training progresses through each module, fostering a deep understanding of energy healing, spiritual connections, and effective techniques for becoming an accomplished healer. This comprehensive approach provides participants with the tools and insights needed to develop mastery in energy healing and spiritual connections.

a genius healer who healed, fujiko narvas, energy healing, remote healing online

Foundation of Elite Healing Mastery

  • Understand fundamental principles of Elite Healing Mastery beyond information-based learning.
  • Explore the connection between healing and energy, emphasizing transformative healing processes.
  • Learn techniques to harness and channel energy for effective healing outcomes.
  • Lay the groundwork for advanced healing practices by establishing a strong foundational understanding.

Understanding the Divine Angelic Order

  • Gain insights into the intricate Divine Angelic Order of the Universe.
  • Explore different angelic realms and their roles in healing processes.
  • Understand the dynamics between healers and lower Dark angels for enhanced spiritual understanding.
  • Tap into higher energies through a deeper understanding of spiritual hierarchies for more profound healing experiences.

Elevating Your DNA

  • Understand the limitations of two-strand DNA and its impact on innate abilities.
  • Explore energy transformation techniques to elevate DNA vibrations.
  • Learn how heightened DNA vibrations lead to increased light and life frequencies.
  • Access higher dimensions through enhanced DNA, transcending boundaries for remarkable healing results.

Developing Elite Healing Mastery

  • Acquire practical techniques to develop Elite Healing Mastery.
  • Learn methodologies for enhancing healing powers and energy levels.
  • Gain proficiency in remote healing, energy revitalization, and purification processes.
  • Empower yourself to heal across distances, revitalize energies, and remove obstacles hindering healing.


Incredible Bonuses When You Register Today

Bonus 1: Self Healing Mastery - $2,888 Value

The Self Healing Mastery Course is a comprehensive package that provides access to 7 transformative online sessions. These sessions offer a deep dive into foundational principles essential for advanced healing courses. You can explore and master these fundamentals from the comfort of your home, at your own pace, allowing for a personalized and immersive learning experience.

Bonus 2: Self Healing Mastery Plus - $2,888 Value

Self Healing Mastery Plus, offers an unparalleled opportunity for interactive learning. Participants engage in 10 powerful monthly group live sessions spanning over a year. These sessions are led by Ed Strachar himself and include dynamic Question & Answer segments. Through this interactive format, participants can dissolve the grip of depression, chronic fatigue, and negative energy, transitioning towards a path of love, health, and vitality. This bonus program not only enriches your understanding but also provides practical tools and guidance for profound transformation and well-being.

Thursday, May 30 at 9 AM New York Time

Bonus 3: Energy Healing and the Sixth Sense - $149 Value

Unlock the spiritual mysteries behind age-defying health, longevity, and healing with this transformative 6 audio CD’s (digital copy) and a 30 minute video program! Delve into profound wisdom that individuals have sought throughout their lives, now made accessible through an inspiring and enlightening experience. Discover the keys to better health, increased happiness and joy, deeper relationships, insights into life’s mysteries, understanding dream symbolism, alleviating anguish, and healing past traumas. Embrace the benefits of mastering Energy Healing and the Sixth Sense for a fulfilling and empowered life.

The Bottom Line

The Healing Genius Protégé Training offers a profound journey for participants seeking to unlock their full healing potential. At its core, the training focuses on Elite Healing Mastery, going beyond conventional healing practices to delve into the profound realms of energy and consciousness. Participants will discover that healing is not merely about acquiring information but about tapping into the innate power within and harnessing energies for profound healing experiences.

One of the key aspects of the training is understanding the Divine Angelic Order of the Universe. Participants will gain insights into the intricate spiritual hierarchies, including the roles of different angelic realms and their influence on the healing process. This knowledge is crucial for aligning with higher spiritual energies and facilitating more effective and deep healing outcomes.

The training also delves into practical aspects of healing, providing participants with advanced techniques and methodologies. This includes learning how to conduct fast and efficient healings over the internet using the Powerful Healing Genius® Methodology. Participants will master techniques for remote healing, energy revitalization, purification, and removing obstacles that hinder the healing process. By developing these advanced healing skills, participants empower themselves to heal across distances, revive energies, and facilitate deep healing.

Moreover, the training explores the concept of elevating DNA vibrations. Participants will uncover the limitations of two-strand DNA and explore energy transformation techniques to raise DNA vibrations. This leads to heightened frequencies of light and life, enabling participants to access higher dimensions and achieve remarkable healing results. In essence, the Healing Genius Protégé Training offers a comprehensive journey toward Elite Healing Mastery, empowering participants to unlock their innate healing abilities and embark on a path of profound spiritual growth and change.

Upcoming Healing Genius Protégé Training 🌟

Unlock Your Healing Mastery Journey: Intensive Training + Valuable Bonuses, Limited Time Offer!

Healing Genius® Protégé: 2-Day Intensive Master Healer Training with 2 Months Follow-up, valued at $19,997.

Bonus 1: Self Healing Mastery Course: Gain access to 7 transformative online sessions for holistic healing exploration, valued at $2,888.

Bonus 2: Self Healing Mastery Plus: Experience 10 powerful monthly group live healing sessions for over a year, valued at $2,888.

Bonus 3: Energy Healing & The Sixth Sense: Unlock insights into spiritual health, valued at $149.

Total Value: $25,922
⏰ Limited Time Offer: Only $19,997 (Save $5,925)

💸 Join Today and Receive Bonuses Valued at $5,925

$5,925 ⏰

Total Bonuses Value Available Now!
$ 19,997
  • Healing Genius® Protégé Training
  • 2 Days Intensive Master Healer Training, with 2 months follow up
  • Healing Genius® Protégé Badge upon training completion
  • Access to the training recordings for a year and other training materials
  • Plus Limited Time Bonuses:
  • Self Healing Mastery Course: Valued at $2,888
  • Self Healing Mastery Plus: Valued at $2,888
  • Energy Healing & The Sixth Sense: Valued at $149

Real Transformations, Real Testimonials!

Experience the power of the Healing Genius Protegé Training through testimonials of real individuals. Witness remarkable transformations and learn how this training can revolutionize your life.

“In a roundabout way, if you spend the money on this training it will change your life forever. I’ve seen so many profound things in the people that I’ve worked with and how it’s changed their life and I would say even save their life. So, again, thank you, Ed.”

— Richard Wallace, Business Owner, New York, USA

“My healing power has increased hugely along with my sensitivity and intuition. I have used these new skills successfully to ease one lady’s back pain. For another lady, it eased her bad shoulder pain.”

— Andrea Priddey, Executive Assistant

“I made over $30,000 in just six months after graduating and so this is something that you know you can easily easily make your investment back, you know you will probably get the world’s best training, the world’s best healing.”

— Josh Cameron, Coach/Spiritual Healer, Utah

“Ed’s training took my healing abilities to a whole new level. I am extremely focused now on running my business. Ed is helping me with animal healing on a level beyond my dreams.”

— Gordon Roberts, Veterinary Surgeon, New Zealand

“He’s helped to transform my life significantly as it relates to health and healing, and I hope to be able to help many people in the future with the skills that I have learned from Ed. I highly recommend him to you. If you are considering taking any of his trainings, do it. You will not regret it.”

— Katherine Singer, Elite Mentorship Trainer, Florida

“I have not only gained the ability to heal others to heal myself, but also to clear the energies of homes and businesses and many other places. I’m truly grateful that I have decided to take this course”

— Richard Hedli, Health Coach, Hungary

Message from Ed:

Greetings,In my lifelong quest as a healer and mentor, I’ve had the privilege of guiding countless individuals toward vibrant health, spiritual awakening, and profound transformation. Through decades of experience and learning, I’ve witnessed the incredible potential within each of us to heal, evolve, and live life to its fullest.

As a practitioner of remote distance healing, I’ve witnessed the miraculous power of healing, from alleviating chronic fatigue to guiding souls towards love, abundance, and spiritual awakening.

I firmly believe that true healing encompasses the integration of mind, body, and spirit. This belief has guided me through countless healing sessions, energy transformations, and spiritual awakenings, leading to profound shifts and breakthroughs for individuals worldwide.

I extend a heartfelt invitation to join me on a transformative journey through the Healing Genius Protégé Training. Together, we’ll explore the depths of spiritual healing, unlock your innate healing potential, and awaken the healer within you.

Let’s harness the boundless power of the Universe for holistic well-being, vibrant living, and spiritual evolution.

With gratitude and blessings,
Ed Strachar

Witness How Ed Strachar Changed His Students' Lives!

Who is This Course For?

This training is specifically designed for individuals who are deeply committed to their spiritual and personal growth journey. If you are passionate about holistic healing, exploring the depths of universal energies, and seeking profound inner transformation, then this program is tailored to meet your aspirations.

Throughout this training, participants will learn:

Advanced techniques in energy work and healing arts to elevate their skills and knowledge.
Insights into the interconnectedness of all life and how to harness universal energies for healing and personal evolution.

Practical tools for unlocking innate healing potential, awakening inner power, and manifesting positive life changes.

Comprehensive approaches to addressing physical ailments, emotional challenges, and achieving spiritual alignment.

In-depth exploration of topics such as energy transformation, raising vibrations, overcoming limiting beliefs, and accessing higher states of consciousness.
Advanced techniques for emotional healing, spiritual protection, and amplifying energy fields for optimal health and vitality.

By the end of this transformative journey with Ed Strachar, participants will have unlocked the infinite power within them and be equipped with the skills and mindset to navigate life with love, purpose, and profound healing abilities.

Watch the Introductory Event Replays 🎥

 Event Date: Saturday, March 23rd at 3 PM New York Time

 Event Date: Wednesday, March 20 at 8 PM New York Time

 Event Date: Wednesday, March 6th at 8 PM New York Time

 Event Date: Saturday, March 2nd  at 3 PM New York Time